Open International Competition for Saratov’s City Centre

Architects from all parts of the world are invited to develop architectural and urban planning concepts for the integrated development of Saratov’s City Centre.
This open international competition will determine the best concept for 5 sites in the central part of the city.
Each of the five competition participants will receive remuneration of 5,500,000 rubles (VAT included) for the creation of their architectural and urban planning concepts. The second-place finalist in the popular vote will receive an additional 2,000,000 rubles. Meanwhile, the competition winner will receive 4,000,000 rubles (VAT included), and will supervise any changes to be made to the urban planning documentation.
The competition will take place in three stages. The winner will be chosen by the Government of the Saratov Region, based on the jury’s recommendations and the popular vote. The winner will be announced in Spring 2021.
The jury will be composed of Russian and international experts. The full list of jury members can be found on the official website.
The international competition is organised by the DOM.RF Foundation, together with the Administration of the Saratov Region. The competition operator is Strelka KB, a consulting company. The competition will be held with the support of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP).
No Entry Fee!
Deadline: 3 September 2020
visit official website